Baby eczema and contact dermatitis affects 1 in 4 babies according to the National Eczema Society. The reasons why are infinite and there is no cure BUT with a little planning and forethought it may be possible to ease the trauma for both parents and baby.
Why your beautiful baby? Chances are if either you or your partner suffer from dry, red, itchy sensitive skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, rosacea or suffer from asthma or hay fever the odds are high your little one could have infant eczema. Other reasons can be atmospheric, there’s something in the air or touching your babies skin that’s causing a reaction. Examples of this can be air fresheners, biological washing powder, scented candles, pets, dust, parents deodorants, perfumes and aftershaves, plug in air fresheners, flowers, anything really that omits a fragrance. Climate can have a huge effect on your babies skin too, winter time makes temperatures drop and radiators warmer which evaporates the moisture in the air, drying out skin, summer time heats skin causing the skin to sweat which in turn irritates. Lastly what you put into your childs mouth can have a massive impact on the skin, we’re talking about certain food intolerances with the usual subjects being dairy, cucumbers, seafood or red fruits and vegetables like strawberries, raspberries, tomatoes, etc, etc, oranges and melons can be culprits too.
So what do I do to get rid of the eczema? As stated at the beginning there is no cure, however there are ways to manage baby eczema until you either find out the cause or your little one grows out of eczema which, thankfully, 90% do. Doctors, dermatologists and other skin experts recommend keeping skin soft by moisturising as the best form of skincare management, for mild to moderate eczema, also red, dry, itchy, bumpy and hot skin try using a moisturiser with no perfumes, dyes, phthalates, mineral oil, palm oil, parabens, liquid paraffin or other known irritants, being completely biased we’d say use HydraNure Dry Skin Cream which was created for your child’s eczema by parents who understand what you are going through and took 10 years perfecting the right combination of natural ingredients for rapid relief, we also know what’s important to you, any cream I put on my child must work fast, give rapid relief, absorb really quickly and easily and have no chemical nasties. For eczema and broken skin, a little steroid cream should be used only until skin has healed over then continue to moisturise as mild to moderate above. Minimise atmospheric issues (the list is above) and hope baby is not allergic to your pet. Finally for food, use the subtraction method, take something away for 7-10 days if no change, reintroduce and take something else away. Other tips include keeping baby in cotton, breathable clothing, washed in non bio washing powder, room temperatures mild to warm summer and winter, quick baths in warm not hot temperatures and finally moisturise, moisturise, moisturise (with HydraNure Dry Skin Cream) up to six times a day to begin with, reducing as skin improves. Should you not wish to use HydraNure, opt for as natural a cream as possible and a cream you like as there’s more chance you will keep applying.
Follow these tips, use google, talk to fellow parents, friends, your own parents, doctors, GP’s, mum and parent groups. If its food intolerance, we live in a fantastic world where there is a substitute for almost anything. Don’t give up, give in or accept eczema, you and your baby will get through this and we can help. Best of luck.
Best wishes
Paul & Laura